Video: The LeDrew Three Minute Interview
The National Club: Does Canada NEED A Federal Election This Year To Ditch Justin Trudeau? “We have had the Justin Trudeau Liberals in power for 8 years. What do we have to show for it? Skyrocketing inflation, a woke agenda, …
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Love and hope in a time of COVID
Last year, 2020, there was much written and reported about how we ought to comport ourselves during the pandemic. In short, we were advised to be compliant, socially distant, wary of exaggerated or factually incorrect media and social media posts …
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article: Thursday’s with John N. Turner
My good friend, political mentor and business associate died this past weekend. As life goes, and for many, having a friend die is normal, but not everyone has a good friend, political mentor and business associate who is a former …
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The Ontario Liberal Party Leadership Race 2020 “The Up-Hill Climb”
The results of provincial election 2018 changed the province of Ontario forever. Gone are the governments of Dalton McGuinty – Ontario’s sixth longest serving Premier (after iconic Premiers Mowat, Davis, Frost, Whitney and Robarts) and Kathleen Wynne (who holds the …
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article: The new federal cabinet and a focus on the future
The federal election and all its craziness and vitriol are now behind us. Canada has spoken and it has given the Liberal Party a mandate (sort of) to form a government. Canadians gave “Team Trudeau” the opportunity to form a …
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article: Niagara and the political legacy of the Rt. Hon. John N. Turner
Rt. Hon. John N. Turner recently celebrated his 90th birthday. Photo: Jean-Marc CarisseSource: The Niagara Independent Niagara is a big part of the legacy of former Prime Minister John Napier Turner – he has helped grow her fortunes by attracting major international …
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article: Canada’s Northern Light – John Turner at 90
source: Dan Donovan, Ottawa Life Magazine
Rt. Hon. John N. Turner 90th Birthday Celebration
Notes for Remarks Rt. Hon. John N. Turner P.C., C.C., Q.C. 90th Birthday Celebration June 10, 2019 Ottawa, Ontario Check against delivery Thank you, Merci , Speaker Regan, for your comments and best wishes. At …
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